Monday, July 26, 2010

Downtown Honolulu Capitol District a beauti fuol place to see

Downtown Honolulu Capitol District
Downtown Honolulu Capitol District
Downtown Honolulu Capitol District

Downtown Honolulu Capitol District
Downtown Honolulu Capitol District

Downtown Honolulu Capitol District
Downtown Honolulu Capitol District
Downtown Honolulu Capitol District

Downtown Honolulu Capitol District

Former Hokkaido Travel World

Former Hokkaido Travel World
Former Hokkaido Travel World
Former Hokkaido Travel World

Former Hokkaido Travel World
Former Hokkaido Travel World
Former Hokkaido Travel World
Former Hokkaido Travel World
Former Hokkaido Travel World

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Travelling by Car

In Ancient time there were only some ways to travel such as horses or camels after some time man has developed some fast ways to travel such as train and then cars and buses and aeroplanes also.Now a days we have many ways to travel and we are very much comfortable in our travels as compared to early age of human kind. Car is very easy way of traveling now. As every thing has some good and points in the same way traveling by car has also some advatages and some disadvantages.

here in this article we will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of travel by car.


Car can travel at very fast speed so we can move rapidly from one place to another with less time. In any sort of emergency we can travel by a car very easly and fast rather we go a bus stop and waite for any bus to come.So it means car is fast way traveling.

2-In your control and easily available:

when some body purchase a car it is always availble to travel.So some one having car no need to spend time on waiting for bus or train but he can travel according to his wish and on time of his choice.

3:Ease of time

Moreover, we can also have touring holiday when and where we want. If we want to go for a trip, we don't have to book bus tickets- it's too complicated. If we have a car, we need only a map or GPS system and we can simply get into a car and go!

On the other hand, travelling by car is not very comfortable for a driver. He cannot relax, he has to be careful all the time. Vehicles are forced to stay in traffic jams, it is also very uncomfortable. Passangers can sleep or doing what thay want. When driver is very tired, he can be as dangerous on the road as drunk driver.

4:Some Disadvatnges of traveling by Car


Travelling by car is dangerous, too. There are many crashes on the roads and we should be very careful and sensible. There are many people, who want to drive after alcohol, they cause a lot of accidents. In my opinion they are irresponsible and immature and people who drink and drive should lose their driving licence for life.


Using a car is also very expensive. If you have a car you have to pay much money for petrol and services. Petrol prices are very high. In my opinion people should use gas more than petrol because gas is better for the envierment. What is more, the gas is cheaper.


To sum up, if we have money and remember about politness, patience and responsable driving even when we have problems with finding a parking space and we get nervous- we can enjoy driving for many years, for sure.

Travelle by a car

sea side travell on car

Traditional car travel

cool way to travell on car

cool car travel

Friday, July 16, 2010

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